We love our young and fabulous clients who we get to Glam up for their Formals or Proms.

Here we created a young and fun look to inspire our teenage gals.
1. Slick and High Ponytail
We've been seeing these ponytails for the last few months and they're not going anywhere yet. Try slicking your hair back in a high pony, tease close to the hair tie, and wrap a thin strand around to hide it.

2. Pink Eyes
We're still going crazy with the peach shades but how about some pink? These pretty pink shadows are giving us all the feels for this Valentines Day. Some skin tones can definitely handle brighter or softer pink hues. Feel free to ask us in the comment box below which would suit you best.

3. Glossy Lips
No color, just some good ol' gloss. We don't want to overkill the face glam with more pigment but we still want it to look glamorous. Add a bit of gloss to the lip when you're using bright and funky colors on the eye. Too much color often scare the men away ;)

4. Peachy Cheeks
We're seeing a lot of pink shadow paired with pink cheeks, and pink lips. That works for a trend setting lady while out with her friends, but for V-Day let's tone it down and use a natural soft peach blush. In the end, it's all about a balance, right?